What the fuck?! September 19th 2020
Join our activist rally across Belin-Mitte!
How can I participate?
Just come to Mitte on September 19th, from 12 pm on. Start at one of our registered points (we will publish a map soon).
Ideally, you don´t come alone but with a friend or comrade. The best way to go is with your affinity group.
We have registered six rally points. This is where you can get the tasks for our scavenger-hunt style rallye.
Our rally points:
Gendarmenmarkt Ecke Charlottenstraße queer-feminism
Reichstagufer 17 (Tränenpalast) queer & health
Washingtonplatz (Main station/Hauptbahnhof) sexwork is work
Reichstagufer Ecke Wilhelmstr. (ARD Hauptstadtstudio) feminism is not a crime
Neustädtischer Kirchplatz Ecke Dorotheenstr. making noise against antifeminism
Scheidemannstr./Ecke Reichstagswiese no fundis
Our goal ist to bring queer-feminist content to the streets, tob e loud and powerful together. We want to disturb the „March for Life“ happening at the same time and make the fundamentalists feel as uncomfortable as possible.
Where do I get more information?
At the rally points you can find out where the fundamentalists are at the moments, what other activists are doing and what spots are suitable to get active.
We also keep you updated on Twitter during the day. Follow @nofundis and the hashtags #b1909 and #nofundis.
From September 18th, aktionsticker.org is running (mostly in German though), we´ll also use this channel.
Download as high resolution PDF

No demonstration?!
This year, there won´t be a demonstration by „What the Fuck?!”-Alliance. We follow a decentralised concept, moving in smaller groups.
Everyone can join!
If you can´t move that much – just choose one of our rally points, there will be concerts, speeches and other things to discover.
Draw banners. Bring noisy stuff. Get organized in smaller groups.
A smartphone might be helpful, to check twitter or the ticker. We also have some tips for you.
What else is happening?
The „Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung“ is holding a demonstration at Brandenburger Tor. More informaton: sexuelle-selbstbestimmung.de
Attention: Fundamentalists!
The fundamentalists have a tight schedule fort he weekend. They meet at different places in the city, use public transport from time to time and move through the Berlin.
To warn you and to avoid meeting them unexpectedly – this is where you will find them:Wir waren euch vor, damit ihr nicht unvorbereitet auf Fundis trefft und wisst, wo ihr mit ihnen rechnen könnt:
They mobilize for the „March for Life“ on Saturday, September 19th.
Starting point: 1pm at Brandenburger Tor (Platz des 18. März).
Then: „March for Life“. Route info: max. 3 km long and accessible.
Afterwards: oecumenical prayer service (until around 5:30 pm)
Accompanying program:
Friday, 18th: Conference organized by „ Bundesverband Lebensrecht“, 2-6pm @ Golden Tulip Hotel Berlin, Landgrafenstraße 4, 10787 Berlin
Saturday, 19th: Our of prayer for aborted embryos, 10 am @ Chruch of St. Marien am Behnitz (Behnitz 9) in Berlin-Spandau. Collective travel by public transport to the „March for Life“.